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Are you a saltwater striped bass angler? If so the fisheries in the north east are probably the best bet for you if you want to catch the big game fish. If you live on the west coast fisheries around...
Breaking into the fishing industry The fishing industry, one of the hundreds that many Americans wish they could be a part of. If you have a passion for fishing, for learning about the fish, for...
Now that you have spent time at the lake or taken that much-needed vacation and you have come home with some striped bass, what are you going to do with it? You may already have some great dinner...
You may have tried different ways to catch striped bass, but have you ever tried to troll for them at night? In this article we will discuss thePhoto courtesy of Instagram @socalskifflife many...
Photo approved/contributed by Instagram @djcha0330 Avid fishermen headed to California will have many areas to choose from when searching for the crafty striped bass. Lakes are abundant in...
Photo Courtesy of Elite Anglers Fishing Apparel EliteAnglers.net For those that have grown up on or around a lake, fishing since they were 3 years old; every chance they got, we may have found...