Fishing The Albuquerque Drain In Winter | Fishin Money- Fishing Tips

Fishing The Albuquerque Drain In Winter

 So I decided while I was in Albuquerque working that I wanted to go try out some fishing close by. It’s wintertime and by the time I get out of work, there’s not much time before it starts to get dark.

I could not drive very far so I decided to try to stick to something close by in town. Since it’s wintertime and it was threatening a little bit of rain, I decided to fish the drain in Albuquerque. Of course, I knew nothing about how to access it or where to go to get the best fishing in.

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My plan was to drive around and try to find a place where I could access the drain in my car. I thought I would be fishing for trout so I had all the right stuff. It took me forever driving around to figure out that there are not very many places to access the drain. I must’ve tried five or six different spots and struck out.

This trout was released unharmed 🐟

When I was just about to give up I found the access to Rio bravo. I drove right in and it appeared to me right away that many other people had the same idea. When you’re fishing it’s not always fun to have a lot of people around.

It’s always kind of nice when you have the whole place to yourself, however, I would soon learn something from having people around. I’m getting a little ahead of myself so let me explain the way the day went and then I will get back to Paul in a minute.

The Drain at Rio Bravo in Albuquerque NM

Once I saw the water where I had parked was moving very fast and that there were rocks and other debris in the water, my first thought was to set up a drop shot type of rig so that if my weight got caught in the rocks I would not necessarily lose everything and have to start over. 

With a drop shot set up if your weight gets caught in the rocks, you can break it off and you still have your bait and swivel. Then what you do is tie another weight onto the leader and you are back in business.

I had bought some tiny mini looking plastic minnows because where I went they were out of worms nor did they have anything else. When I say they were out, I really mean they were out of everything, and it wasn’t even close to the Rio Grande.

Anyway, I had to make do with plastics so I had a little minnow and I thought it was a good presentation, the only problem is, it did not work. After a while failing with the minnow, I decided to try something else so I took the minnow off and went with a small plastic trout worm.

Again I tried that for a while with no success. About this point I turned around and saw a guy leaving who had a whole stringer full of trout. He and his son had been fishing there when I first arrived but so far they had not caught anything.

When I saw how quickly he caught a whole stringer, I made a beeline to where he was fishing thinking that maybe where he was fishing was the key. Once I found out that there were fish there, because I could see them, however they were not biting my worm.

After a few minutes a guy named Paul walked over who I became acquainted with. He give me some good advice and a set up that he had since he was done fishing for the day.

The video associated with this blog post will give you the whole story but suffice it to say Paul set me up and I was able to catch A trout before I had to leave that evening. My total fishing time was maybe about 2 1/2 hours since I work full-time and I could not start fishing until it was getting close to getting dark anyway.

I probably could have stayed longer but I was happy to have had success and caught one while I was there. In my video you will see some of the baits that I found were the best ones and also how to access that drain.

There are many areas to access the drain and in the future I might do some more posts about the drain in different locations. Thank you for reading please watch the video and like and subscribe. Darren

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Darren Enns

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