There are actually two lines out of the three lines presented that can float to some degree. Can you guess which of the two it is? If you guessed the monofilament line and the braided line, you would be absolutely right but monofilament is considered more of a slow sinking as opposed to braid which floats.
As a fishing enthusiast, chances are you are probably aware of all of the products associated with fishing. You probably know everything there is to know about such things as fishing lines, rod and reels, and the different types of bait out there.
Of course, you are probably aware of all of the different subtypes of fishing out there as well. You not only can fish with a fishing line, but you also can use such things as nets or traps. Angling with a rod or bottom trawling is also a popular activity. Indeed, the novice fisherman might quickly realize that the choices are just about endless.
Of course, most fishing enthusiasts are also aware of a practice called top-water fishing. Unfortunately, this type of fishing doesn’t always get the respect that it deserves. However, it is a very rewarding version of fishing that you will enjoy immensely once you try it.
However, you need to be able to do it right. One of the best ways to start out in top-water fishing is to select the right line. Ask any experienced top-water angler, and they will tell you that the only line that you should use with top-water fishing would be one that floats.
Even though that may be the case, there are many lines out there, and the great majority of them do not float. Here is a run-down of the three most popular lines, and a verdict on whether they float or not:
Monofilament Fishing Lines
The monofilament line is pretty self-explanatory in that it possesses a single, small strand of material. It will often be made of a number of different materials, but the most common one of these would have to be nylon. Monofilament has many different versions you can buy, including those with variations on the strength, the stretch, or even the abrasion resistance. This and other important attributes will definitely make it a popular choice among anglers. Of course, you can rest assured that it has other benefits as well. Consider the following:

First of all, a mono is known for being very easy to handle.
Monofilament has a very flexible nature, bathed in limpness. This means that monofilament can be more pliable and much easier to cast than other materials. Moreover, this fishing line will work well for a variety of different fishing situations.
Monofilament also has a great stretching ability.
It can stretch out much more easier than superlines can thanks to the materials present in them. This stretching ability also gives this material a distinct advantage over fluorocarbon because it has a much larger forgiveness factor. Are you worried about your drag sticking you or your set working too hard? If so, don’t fret, because mono will compensate for this by stretching out to 25 percent more than normal.
The ability to stretch under pressure is an important characteristic for many fishermen simply because that ability makes it more likely that the fishing line will remain attached to the fish instead of just tearing a hole in its mouth and allowing it to get away.
Do you want to make both the hookset and the fight of the fish easier on you? If that is the case, then there is every reason in the world why you should get a solid monofilament line.
A monofilament line also has good shock strength as well.
It will absorb energy very well, meaning that it can withstand the sudden jolt from a sudden hookset or from a particularly strong fish. This is also good if the fish keeps running into the side of the boat. Of course, when this shock strength is coupled with a larger diameter that will ultimately make this line more abrasion resistant.
Finally, a monofilament line has a better color palette, an inexpensive design, and it has been heralded by anglers the world over for its ease of use. The excellent color palette options mean that you can easily find a color that will properly camouflage with your surroundings. The fact that it is cheap to use and easy to use also makes it a popular pick among first time anglers as well. Of course, all of these attributes are great, but does this line float? We’ll get to that as soon as we discuss the other two lines as well.
Braided Fishing Lines
A braided fishing line is an example that has been around for a very long period of time. This line is a bit of an unsung hero, especially considering that most young fishermen got their start using mono. However, those that have tried the braided example have been pleasantly surprised at just how much incredible strength that it has even though it has a small diameter and no stretch. There is no question that the braid line is about the most castable line you can get for the money. Of course, there are other advantages as well. Consider some of these:
They are hard to break.
One of the best things about these braided lines would have to be their durability. They can be used for years on end out on your favorite lake without breaking. This is probably due in part to the fact that they are made of several lines joined together. Moreover, even today many individuals view braided lines as a wise investment simply because they will straighten out the hooks, helping you to retrieve almost any of your very expensive fishing lures. It is great that these lines are durable, but it gets even better: many sportsmen have reported that even when the line gets snagged they are hard to break.
This is a good line to use if you think you might hook a fish in a difficult place.
If you are fishing in an area with a lot of vegetation or undergrowth, than this line is definitely for you. Besides the durability of having a braided line, this line also will help you draw out a stubborn fish if you catch it in one of these dense areas. That alone would definitely make it worth paying a little extra money for.
This line has a longer reel life.
Another benefit of the braided line would of course have to be the potentially longer reel life it offers to your favorite rod. This braided line has the ability to take the strain completely off of the rod, and so as long as you maintain the line, it should result in your reel lasting quite a bit longer.
They make casting easy.
Another great advantage of the braided line would have to be that casting is much easier. You literally can throw this line out to an extremely long distance with minimal effort, due in part to the thin diameters that the line design possesses.
Of course, if there is any danger to using this line, it would have to be that they tend to be highly visible in the water. Unless you are persistent, this might mean that you will spook your fish a bit more than normal.
Naturally, the $64,000 question is whether this is a line that will float on water. How about we examine the last line option though before we discuss whether this is the line that will float on water? Here we go with the last one…
Fluorocarbon Fishing Lines
Although fluorocarbon is one of the newest additions to fishing lines, in recent years it has become increasingly popular among anglers. This is because fluorocarbon has a lot of advancements in performance characteristics. Fluorocarbon is so versatile that many individuals will use them for all kinds of different applications.
Fluorocarbon is definitely the most recent fishing line. However, if the name seems familiar to you, it’s probably because fluorocarbon is a description that covers many different compounds. All products containing carbon, fluorine, and chlorine will often be comprised of fluorocarbon. Moreover, products containing Teflon to Freon will also often have fluorocarbon. Of course, let’s cut to the chase here: what are the advantages of fluorocarbon for a fishing line? Consider some of these benefits:
Fluorocarbon has a low visibility.
One of the best benefits of fluorocarbon would have to be the low visibility it has in the water. Because light will be completely refractive passing through this line, it is nearly invisible to fish looking at it in the water. This will make it much easier for you if you want to target some of the more skittish fish breeds.
Fluorocarbon has a high resistance to abrasion.
With the low visibility characteristics possessed by fluorocarbon, it will give anglers the ability to use stouter test lines and be able to fish in areas with heavier cover and still be able to target fish such as bass. Moreover, this high resistance to abrasion ensures that it will be much easier for you to drag your bait literally all over your fishing spot.
Fluorocarbon is very sensitive.
One of the best advantages of using fluorocarbon as a line would have to be that it is very sensitive. This line will always possess more energy than mono, and it will also have tighter molecules than it as well. This is extremely advantageous to the angler because it will do a better job of telegraphing information about the end of the line to the angler.
Fluorocarbon is waterproof.
Finally, fluorocarbon lines are waterproof. You wouldn’t think this would be important when you consider that all lines have to be waterproof to some degree. However, this simply means that it will react in the same matter when it is on the water as it will when it is dry. It will feel exactly the same on your first cast as it will when you first apply it to your line.
Of course, there is no question the fluorocarbon lines have a lot of benefits, but again, this isn’t answering the question: do they float on water? Well, that remains to be seen, but we will answer whether this line or any of the other lines float on water in the next paragraph. It is important for anglers to know which of these lines float on the water for a myriad of reasons, so read on to fully understand which of these lines will work best for your needs.
Which Of The Above Three Lines Will Float on Water?
Now we come to the major question: which one of these lines will actually float right on top of the water? Actually, this is a bit of a trick question, because there are actually two lines out of the three lines presented that can do the trick just fine. Can you guess which of the two it is? If you guessed the monofilament line and the braided line, you would be absolutely right. Both of these options will float on the water. However, now we have a new challenge to contend with: which one of these floating fishing lines is right for you? Take a look at the facts and make a decision for yourself.
Monofilament Fishing Lines
First of all, the monofilament line has definitely been around much longer. Thus, it will certainly be much more popular, simply because almost everyone got their start in fishing with this type of line. The reason for this is because the monofilament line is much more user-friendly than other lines, with not as many knots to master. Thus, it is much easier to teach kids about the monofilament line than other type. There truly has been many father-son quality spent on a lake where they were using monofilament lines.
Braided Fishing Lines
Of course, there’s something to be said about braided fishing lines as well. Yes, they can be a lot more difficult to use simply because it would take a lot more knots to master. However, many individuals swear by these braided fishing lines and insist that you can catch a lot more fish this way. Part of the reason for this is because they have a smaller diameter, giving you the advantage of being able to fit more line on your reel. Indeed, having a great casting range can definitely help you catch more fish. However, once you master the knots, don’t think for a minute that the extra casting range of these braided lines doesn’t come at a high price, for it absolutely does.
Which one should you pick? It depends on your own personal life situation. However, both of these lines will float on the water and help you catch more fish!
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