If you have fallen in love with fishing for carp then chances are you probably want to try to fish for them all the time. Morning fishing for carp? Sure, let’s do it.
Fishing for carp in the afternoon? Go for it! Why not? Evening fishing for carp? Yes, let’s go to the lake! Of course, all of this is all well and good, but what about fishing for carp at night? If you were nodding your head on the first three but scratching your head on the last one, that’s really unfortunate.
Listen Up!
Many advanced anglers would tell you that the very best time to fish for carp is at night. some reasons include: there are less people to contend with at night, the sun is less harsh at night, and carp are very much in feeding mode at night, and are even, perhaps, more likely to bite at night.
When it comes to indulging in your carp fishing hobby, there is absolutely no reason to sell yourself short. You fish for this species of fish the other three portions of the time that the Earth is rotating on its axis, so why not at night as well? Of course, I can hear the complaints now…the fish are too finicky, the carp are too hard to see, it is too dark!
Can it even be done at all? The answer to that question, it definitely can be done as long as you fully understand the differences between day fishing for carp and night fishing for carp. There’s no reason to throw up your hands and say that it’s impossible to night fish for carp as long as you keep some of the following things in mind:
Realize the differences between fishing for carp during the day and fishing for this species during the night.
Naturally, the first thing you need to realize is that there are many differences between fishing for carp during the day and fishing for them during the night hours. Simply put, some of your tried-and-true methods for day fishing simply will not work so well during the night.

I have a secret…
First of all, you will be at a fairly strong disadvantage at night simply because you won’t be able to see as well as you would be able to during the day. One of the ways that you can remedy this is to simply be as prepared as possible. For starters, you should fully study the area you are interested in during the day.
This will make you more familiar with your surroundings and better able to work on the area at night.
Additionally, you will need to be sure that you have at least two different light sources with you when you go night fishing. Items such as a high-quality head torch and a hand torch or a small lantern could literally mean the difference between you holding up your large carp in the nighttime sky or just going home empty-handed.
Of course, you also want to make sure that you don’t shine the light on the water so much that it disturbs the fish. Just using the light to help you see is perfectly fine; keep it away from the water.
Finally, another area where you should prepare ahead of time for night fishing would be with your rods. There is no question that it can be very frustrating attempting to get a snag and continually having to re-tie your rods in the dark. Thus, you should simply have a few rods ready to go for when you decide to have your next night fishing excursion.
Don’t worry about your bait!
Of course, what with all of this extra preparation you have to take for night fishing for carp, you are probably wondering about your bait. Well, here’s a little bit of advice that you can definitely take to heart: when it comes to worrying about the bait you use for night fishing, don’t. The good news about night fishing is that all of the bait that you use during the day to catch carp will work every bit as well duringthe evening.
This means that it is perfectly fine for you to take your dough baits, corn, boilies, and even nightcrawlers if you decide to fish for carp in the darkness hours.
Prepare ahead of time.
When it comes to carp night fishing, “prepare, prepare, prepare” should always be your mantra. Of course, another word about bait is in order here. While you can definitely use the same bait for carp that you use during the day, you should always make sure that the size of the bait is acceptable. In a nutshell, you want to make sure that your bait is solid enough, strong enough, and large enough to be able to attract the carp on the next evening that you are fishing for them.
If you get bait that is too small, what will typically happen is that yes, you might attract a few carp, but you will also much more often tend to attract smaller types of fish. Since you don’t want that, you should only use bait that the carp will be attracted to in the first place!
Keep yourself warm.
You might think that as long as you simply just do night fishing during the summer months, you would be clear for keeping warm during the nights. However, even in these warmer months, you might be surprised just how cold things can get at night.
That is why you should invest in a decent sleeping bag and you should make sure to pack a pair of extra thick socks. Taking along a light jacket probably wouldn’t hurt either.
Don’t neglect your back either.
You may not think much about your back while you are fishing during the day, and that’s all well and good. However, the sport of fishing takes on a whole new dynamic when you are fishing at night. It is during this time that you are more likely not to spot uneven surfaces, and when you repeatedly cast from this less-than-level ground, the muscles you use to do it will begin to strain your back. This is yet another reason why you should use a flashlight: simply put, you should occasionally check the ground before you cast
Let me tell you one thing you are definately going to want to do…
You also should consider investing in a good bed chair to sit on while you are casting out your line. Taking it easy while casting out in the water will ensure that you can enjoy the sport of night fishing for many years to come without racking up costly chiropractor bills in the process. If you have a few years on you your back will thank you.
If you haven’t tried night fishing, then it is definitely time that you give it a shot. The worst-case scenario is that you don’t care for it, but it really could become an enjoyable pastime for you. Give it a try today (or rather, tonight!).